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Showing posts with label Lecture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lecture. Show all posts

0 An Introduction to Christian Apologetics – 2

By: Dr.Paul Coulter

No one is converted through apologetics?
Acts 26:28

B] Objections from outside the Bible
1. Logic cannot tell us anything about God
This statement is self defeating since it relies on internal logic as the basis for its claim. Logic is simply the way in which we state facts and make claims. In this sense it is impossible to say anything at all about God or anything else without employing logic. As Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli write [6]:
Most people scorn or ignore apologetics because it seems very intellectual, abstract and rational. They contend that  life and love and morality and sanctity are much more important than reason. Those who reason this way are right; they just don’t notice that they are reasoning. We can’t avoid doing it, we can only avoid doing it well.

They explain the relationship between the language of logic and argument and the reality of the world we live in [7]:
We write in terms, propositions and arguments because we think in concepts, judgments and reasoning; and we do this because the reality we think about includes essences, facts and causes. Terms express concepts which express essences. Propositions express judgments which express facts. And arguments express reasoning which expresses causes, real ‘becauses’ and ‘whys’.

Since Christians believe in a God who speaks using human language we must be committed to the belief that language can describe reality in a way that is comprehensible. Although we do not claim we can know every truth about the causes, ‘becauses’ and ‘whys’ of the universe, we do believe that God has created us in His image as rational people who can comprehend those causes, ’becauses’ and ’whys’ that God has revealed to us through the ordering of nature, through His actions in history and through His words recorded in Scripture.

0 An Introduction to Christian Apologetics - 1

By: Dr.Paul Coulter
What is ‘Apologetics’?

What is ‘Apologetics’?
The term ’apologetics’ derives from the Greek word apologia. Although it is derived from the same word as the English noun ’apology’ and adjective ’apologetic’ the meaning is quite significantly different. In the ancient Greek world an apologia was a legal defence of oneself, similar to the speech a modern day defence lawyer makes on behalf of their client. It did not mean “a regretful acknowledgement of an offence or failure” (the Oxford English Dictionary definition of ’apology’) but a carefully reasoned defence of one’s beliefs or actions.

We might, then, define Christian apologetics as follows:
The task of developing and sharing arguments for the truth and rationality of Christianity and the falsehood and irrationality of alternatives with the aim of strengthening the faith of believers and provoking non believers to consider Christ

The significance of this definition will become clearer throughout this article, but at this point it is important to emphasise that ’argument’ in this context refers to a logical, reasoned case rather than an argumentative style. Apologetics includes both developing and sharing arguments – it is not a purely academic exercise conducted in an ivory tower, but a practical engagement with real people and real problems. You will also notice that there are two sides to the arguments we seek to develop – a positive case for Christianity and a negative case against alternative belief systems. Furthermore, the ultimate aims of apologetics are not to develop clever arguments but to see people led to faith and strengthened in their faith.

What Are the Origins of Apologetics?
In the second century AD, as Christianity began to engage at an intellectual level with Greek philosophy and attractedgreater attention from Roman society, a number of writers produced reasoned defences of the Christian faith. Of these Justin Martyr (c. 100165 AD), a gentile from Samaria who was converted after seeking truth in numerous philosophies and eventually died as a martyr in Rome, is probably the best known and the most significant. These writers are generally referred to as ‘the apologists’. Their writings collectively show three major concerns:

0 An Apologetics Handbook

By: Steve Hays

I'm Glad You Asked!


1. Epistemology:
            (i) God-Talk
            (ii) Divine Silence
            (iii) Coherence of Theism:
                        (a) Divine Attributes
                        (b) Trinity
                        (c) Incarnation
            (iv) Freudian faith
2. Bible Criticism:
            (i) Miracles
            (ii) Mythology
            (iii) Contradictions
3. Science:
            (i) Creation
            (ii) Flood
            (iii) Physicalism
4. Ethics:
            (i) Problem of Evil
            (ii) Hell
            (iii) Holy War
            (iv) Original Sin
            (v) Predestination
            (vi) Euthyphro Dilemma
            (vii) Crimes of Christianity
            (viii) Christian Chauvinism


In Why I Believe, I presented a personal and positive case for my Christian faith. This essay is a sequel to that one, for here I field the major objections to Christian faith—some traditional, others of more modern vintage. But as before, I'm confining myself to the answers I favor, even though that does not exhaust all the good answers.  Interested readers are still encouraged to check out the bibliographies in the complementary essay.

I. Epistemology

1. God-Talk

Both inside and outside the Church there is often felt to be a peculiar difficulty with religious language.  This apparent problem has both an epistemic and ontological dimension. At the epistemic level, it is felt that if our knowledge derives from experience in general, and sensory perception in particular, and if God is not a sensible object, then whatever we may say or think or believe about God is a figurative extension of mundane concepts. 

At the ontological level, it is felt that if God is in a class by himself and apart from the creative order, then all our statements about God are vitiated by a systematic equivocation inasmuch as there is no longer any common ground between the human subject and divine object of knowledge.

What are we to say to these considerations? Regarding the epistemic issue, the first thing to be said is that this assumes a particular theory of knowledge.  So if this is a problem, it is not a problem peculiar to religious epistemology, but goes back to the ancient debates between empiricism and rationalism, nominalism and realism. If you are a Thomist, then this is a problem generated by your chosen theory of knowledge.  But if, say, you are an Augustinian, then you don't believe that all knowledge derives from the senses. Abstract objects are objects of knowledge without being perceived by the senses—at least on an Augustinian theory of knowledge. 

0 Apologetic Method

By: Prof. John M.Frame

History and Current Discussion  

I.              The Nature of Apologetics: giving a reason of our hope (1 Pet. 3:15)
A.   Divisions
1.    Proof: giving a rational basis for faith. 1 Cor. 15:1-11.
2.    Defense: answering the objections of unbelievers. Phil. 1:7, 16.
3.    Offense: exposing the foolishness of unbelieving thought. Psm. 14:1, 1 Cor. 1:18-2:16.
B.   These divisions are perspectivally related. To do one task completely, you must do the other two as well.
C.   Apologetics a perspective on all preaching and teaching (Ezra Hyun Kim)
D.   Subject-matter
1.    Proof
a.    the existence of God
b.    the truth of the gospel
2.    Defense
a.    The problem of evil
b.    Biblical criticism
c.    Challenges of secular philosophy
d.    Challenges of secular science
3.    Offense
a.    falsehood of non-Christian religions
b.    falsehood of non-Christian philosophy
c.    falsehood of non-Christian science, etc.

0 Sihir Dalam Dunia Alkitab (3)

Oleh : Edwin Yamauchi,Ph.D (Professor of History)

Sihir Dalam Dunia Alkitab (3)
Pemantera Ular Mesir- credit: Universitas Wales, Swansea

Bacalah lebih dulu Bagian 2

Salah satu bahaya besar  yang dihadapi orang-orang dunia purba yang mengupayakan proteksi sihir adalah ular-ular beracun[102]. Di gurun Sinai, Tuhan telah mengirimkan sebuah penghukuman ‘ular-ular tedung’ (וַיְשַׁלַּ֨ח הַשְּׂרָפִ֔ים - vay·shal·lach has·se·ra·fim) untuk mendatangkan penderitaan pada umat pemberontak hingga mereka bertobat[103]. Mereka secara ajaib telah disembuhkan ketika mereka telah memandang seekor ular tembaga yang dibuat untuk dipandang dan ditempatkan pada sebuah tiang (Bilangan 21:4-9). Walau sejumlah pihak telah menilai hal ini sebagai sebuah tindakan sihir penyembuhan alternatif[104], para rabi telah memahami bahwa mereka telah disembuhkan bukan karena pandangan mata mereka pada ular tembaga tersebut, tetapi anugerah Tuhan  melalui pertobatan dan iman mereka[105].  Hanya Yahweh yang dapat menyembuhkan, bukan dewa-dewa ular apapun atau amulet-amulet Mesir[106]. Kemudian kala orang-orang Israel membuat Nehushtan atau ular tembaga yang menjadi obyek penyembahan berhala, Hizkia telah menghancurkanya, 2 Raja-Raja 18:4[107]

Dialah yang menjauhkan bukit-bukit pengorbanan dan yang meremukkan tugu-tugu berhala dan yang menebang tiang-tiang berhala dan yang menghancurkan ular tembaga yang dibuat Musa, sebab sampai pada masa itu orang Israel memang masih membakar korban bagi ular itu yang namanya disebut Nehustan.

Para penyihir Mesir  tahu bagaimana mengubah seekor kobra menjadi berwujud tongkat (Keluaran 7:8-13), berangkali dengan memberikan tekanan pada leher ular tersebut[108]. Para pawang atau pemantera tradisional ular India memainkan sebuah suling[109] Namun  melihat faktanya, semua  ular, dan bukan hanya ‘ular berbisa yang tuli’[Mazmur 58:4-5], adalahtuli, para pawang ular sangat berupaya menarik perhatian ular-ular tersebut oleh gerakan-gerakannya[110]

0 Sihir Dalam Dunia Alkitab (2)

Oleh : Edwin Yamauchi. Ph.D (Professor of History)

Sihir Dalam Dunia Alkitab (2)

Bacalah lebih dulu  Bagian 1
Sihir dan Cinta

Guna-guna, Amulet atau Sihir
Teks-teks sihir,diperbandingkan dengan propganda-propaganda resmi para raja memperlihatkan hal yang berbeda, menyingkapkan emosi-emosi, hasrat-hasrat, dan ketakutan-ketakutan di kalangan rakyat kebanyakan. Etimologi-etimologi pada banyak kata yang masih digunakan dalam perbincangan romantis menyingkapkan peran sihir ketika dimainkan dalam seni cinta[32]. Berapa banyak suami atau pasangan menyadari bahwa kala mereka memuji para isterinya atau para  gadis pujaannya, mereka sebenarnya secara aktual sedang memanggil mereka ‘witches’ [penyihir wanita]  secara etimologi, bukankah demikian? Hal itu menjadi nampak jelas ketika seorang laki-laki memanggil seorang perempuan ‘bewitching’ [mempesona]  atau ‘spell binding’[memikat]. Namun hal yang sama juga dijumpai kala seorang pria memanggil kekasihnya ‘charming’[menarik hati], ‘enchanting’[memikat hati] dan ‘fascinating’[mempesona]. Kata ‘charm’  berasal dari Prancis yang datang dari kata Latin carmen, yang dapat berarti ‘nyanyian” tetapi yang juga dapat berarti ‘mantra.’ Kata ‘enchanting’ berasal dari kata Latin incantare, yang bermakna ‘mengucapkan sebuah mantra[33].” Kata ‘Fascinating’ berasal dari kata Latin fascinare yang berarti ‘to bewitch atau menyebabkan terpesona dengan mengucapkan sebuah mantra,’ yang sebetulnya dipinjam dari kata Yunani  βασκαίνω- baskaino, yang makna aslinya adalah ‘melemparkan mata iblis.’ Kata ini muncul satu kali dalam Perjanjian Baru di Galatia 3:1, ketika Paulus bertanya,’ Hai orang-orang Galatia yang bodoh, siapakah yang telah mempesona kamu?- [ESV] O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?’[34]

Diantara teks-teks Mesotopomia paling awal ada sebuah kata-kata mantra cinta Akkadian Tua bagi seorang peminang yang telah ditolak lamarannya, mantra yang diakhiri dengan kata-kata ditujukan pada gadis kekasihnya itu: ‘Demi Isthar dan ishara, ...  memantraimu; sepanjang lehernya dan lehermu tidak akan terjalin, semoga kamu tidak menemukan damai!’[35] Sejumlah lagu-lagu cinta dari Mesir telah digunakan sebagai kata-kata mantra[36].

Di  Tell  Sandahannah (atau Beth Guvrin atau juga dikenal Betogabris), kami  memiliki sebuah  grafitti berbahasa Yunani (abad ke 3 SM) yang menuliskan seorang wanita penuh kebanggaan menyatakan bahwa dia telah menyimpan pakaian  pria yang dicintainya, mengenakan pada pakaian itu kekuatan yang secara magis mengikat pria itu bagi dirinya[38]. Pujangga Yunani kontemporer Theocritus menggambarkan bagaimana seorang anak gadis berupaya merebut kembali pria kekasihnya itu menggunakan sebuah  patung lilin serupa pria tersebut dan dengan sebuah   cairan ramuan  cinta magis yang dibuat dari bahan pakaian kekasihnya dan  kadal tanah[39].

0 Sihir Dalam Dunia Alkitab (1)

Oleh : Edwin Yamauchi,Ph.D  (Professor of History)

Sihir Dalam Dunia Alkitab (1)

Tidak dapat diragukan bahwa baik Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru telah lahir dalam lingkungan-lingkungan yang  disesaki dengan  keyakinan-keyakinan dan praktek-praktek sihir[1]. Sebab itu tidaklah mengejutkan menemukan Musa bertarung dengan para penyihir di Mesir, yang kemudian dikenali sebagai Yanes dan Yambres (2Timotius 3:6-8)[2], sebab sihir telah merupakan faktor dominan dalam budaya orang-orang Mesir[3]. Karena orang-orang Mesir untuk dapat menjangkau kehidupan setelah kematian harus menyediakan bagi mereka sendiri formula kata-kata mantera atau upacara-upacara magis, sebagaimana ditunjukan pada teks-teks di Piramid dalam KerajaanLama, pada peti-peti jenazah dalam Kerajaan Menengah, dan Kitab Kematian  dalam Kerajaan Baru[4]. Sihir juga sebuah kekuatan yang hebat dalam budaya-budaya  kontemprer lainnya, seperti yang terdapat pada orang-orang Hitti (Turki kini dan belahan utara Syria)[5].

Daniel di majelis Nebukadnezar di Babel merupakan seorang mitra sejawat ‘para ahli sihir dan astrolog,”[6] yang merupakan warisan tradisi sihir dan meramal masa depan secara supranatural dari orang-orang Mesopotamia purba[7]. Perhatikan teks-teks berikut ini:

Daniel 1:20 Dalam tiap-tiap hal yang memerlukan kebijaksanaan dan pengertian, yang ditanyakan raja kepada mereka, didapatinya bahwa mereka sepuluh kali lebih cerdas dari pada semua orang berilmu dan semua ahli jampi di seluruh kerajaannya.

Daniel 2:2 Lalu raja menyuruh memanggil orang-orang berilmu, ahli jampi, ahli sihir dan para Kasdim, untuk menerangkan kepadanya tentang mimpinya itu; maka datanglah mereka dan berdiri di hadapan raja.

0 Lecture Outline (6) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (6)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.

Previous: Lecture Outline (5) “VI.The  Power Of The Word

VIII.The Clarity of the Word  ("Perspicuity")

A.Clarity and the Divine Presence

1.Connection with covenantal blessing and curse: Deut. 30: 11-20.
a.Israel's problem: not understanding, but choosing.
b.The reward and curse are also near (v. 15)--God's covenantal presence.

2.Presence of Christ in the word preached: Rom. 10:4-11.
3.Since God is near, word is near. "Direct revelation in history," vs. much modern theology.

0 Lecture Outline (5) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

Lecture Outline (5)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.

Previous : Lecture Outline (4) “IV.The Message Of The  Word

VI.The Power of the Word
Sections VI through VIII deal with perfections of the word which derive from the attributes of Lordship. If the function of the word is to express God's lordship, then it will express his control, authority and presence. This fact is the basis of its power, authority, clarity. Although the control of God is particularly associated with the word as decree, his authority with the word as address, and his presence with the word as presence, the power, authority and clarity of the word pertain to all forms, all utterances of the word.

A.The Greatness of the Power: The word is not just an intellectual object, but a great power, indeed the divine omnipotence itself. It has this power because of its union with God. We tend to ignore its power because we are insufficiently aware of the presence of God in the word. With such power, with such a God, we dare not trifle.

0 Lecture Outline (4) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (4)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.

Previous : Lecture Outline (3) “The Fuctions of The Word In And For Creation

IV.The Message of the Word: 
In the broadest sense, the Word utters a declaration of God's Lordship (cf. II, above). It expresses that Lordship in a great many ways as it directs all things to the fulfillment of God's purposes. The unity and diversity of the message must both be guarded.

A.The Content of Covenant Revelation: Meredith Kline (StructureOf Biblical Authority) argues that the Decalogue and the book of Deuteronomy are examples of an ancient near eastern literary genre known as the "suzerainty treaty," of which extra-biblical examples (from the Hittite culture) have keen discovered. In Kline's view, the decalogue and deuteronomic "treaties" are the origin of the biblical canon, and the rest of the Bible is but an expansion of these "treaties," both in its character and content. Whether or not we endorse this analysis in detail, Kline's outline of the elements or the treaty form provides a useful tool for organizing the aspects of God's revelation as a whole. Note references to the decalogue.

1.Declaration of Lordship: "I am the Lord thy God..."
a. Revelation as exposition of God's name--cf. above I, C, 3.
b.Includes all aspects of his character and works--cf. references just noted, also Prologue.
c.Declares God's relation to his covenant people: "Lord" (relational term) "thy" God. Cf. "book of life", above, III, C, 2, c, (2), (b).

0 Lecture Outline (3) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (3)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.

Previous : Lecture Outline (2) “ I.TheConcept Of The Word Of God

II. The Functions of the Word in and for Creation

In I, above, we have been talking about God's speech as such, whether uttered purely in reference to himself (ad intra, necessary speech) or having some reference to the creation (ad extra, free speech). Now we focus particularly on the latter category and ask about the various works which God's word performs in creation ant for creation. The three creation-functions will correspond roughly to the triad "meaning, power, self-expression" which we considered under I. Since the word is the powerful, meaningful self-expression of God, and since God is related to creation as Lord (cf. Introductory lectures), the word functions in and for creation as the self-expression of God's lordship. The threefold function outlined below, therefore, parallels the "lordship attributes."

A. The Word as God’s Decree
As Lord, God controls all things, and controls them by his speech. As we have seen (I, C, 2, c ), all of God s actions are performed by his word, his speech. His "decretive will," therefore, by which he controls the whole course of nature and history , is a function of his word. Everything happens because God has ordered it to happen by his word (Eph. 1: 11 ).

0 Lecture Outline (2) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (2)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.

Previous : Lecture Outline (1) “Introduction

I.The Concept of the Word of God: The Word is God's powerful, meaningful, self-expression.

A. Powerful: Ps. 33:3-6, 46:6, 148:5-8, 29:3-9; Rom. 1: 16; cr. VIII below.
1.The power of the word is the omnipotence of God himself, Isa. 55: 11, Gen. 18: 14 (Luke 1:37). It is therefore never void, never weak.
2.To study the word (in seminary or anywhere else) is to encounter something explosive, something that inevitably changes you--either for the better or the worse. (Isa. 6:9-10, NT parallels).

0 Lecture Outline (1) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (1)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.
I.The Comprehensiveness of God’s covenant Lordship.
A. Centrality of Lordship in Scripture: "Lord," (Yahweh. Adonai, Kurios) is the basic    covenant name of God, Ex. 3:13-15,6:1-8; cf. John 8:59, Rom. 14:9.

  1. Use in confessions of faith: Deut. 6:4ff; cf. Rom. 10:9, I Cor. 12:3, Phil. 2:11. 
  2. God performs his might acts "that they might know that I am the Lord," Ex. 14: 18, I Kings 8:43, Ps. 9: 10, etc. 
  3. "I am Lord, I am he," Isa. 41:4,43:10-13, etc.

B.Lordship is a covenantal concept.

  1. "Covenant": relation between the Lord and a people whom he has sovereignly consecrated to himself. He rules over them by the sanctions of his law and fulfills in and through them the purposes of his grace. 
  2. Lordship is a relation. Where you have a Lord, you have servants, i.e. a people over whom the Lord rules. "Lord" names God as head of the covenant relationship. The centrality of lordship implies the centrality of covenant, and vice versa.


Oleh : Prof. D.A. Carson

[Bagian3]“…Pada ahirnya, Paulus dapat menempatkan dirinya sendiri dibawah sebuah sumpah ( misal Roma 9:1; 2 Kor 1:23); Tuhan menempatkan dirinya sendiri dibawah sebuah sumpah ketika dia bersumpah demi dirinya sendiri ( Ibrani 6:13-18). Tetapi tidak Paulus atau  juga Tuhan menggunakan sebuah sumpah untuk mengelak atau menyanggah  dusta/bohong. Tidak juga dengan ketiadaan sebuah sumpah berarti baik Paulus atau Tuhan dapat bebas untuk berbohong………

Lex  talionis,  legislasi “mata ganti mata” (Matius 5:38-42). Hukum Perjanjian Lama, “mata ganti mata, dan  gigi ganti gigi,”  telah ditegakan sebagai bagian sistem yudisial dari benih bangsa Israel (Keluaran  21:24; Imamat 24:20;  Ulangan 19:21). Untuk jenis-jenis kejahatan tertentu, faktanya sangatlah adil. Lex talionis (hukum pembalasan) tidak dapat diaplikasikan dalam  banyak kasus kriminal—penyembahan berhala, sebagai contoh, atau perkosaan, atau penghujatan—tetapi  dalam  kejadian-kejadian, katakanlah, personal dan niat menciderai orang lain,  dalam hal ini sangat adil.  Terlebih lagi, lex talionis memberikan keuntungan  membuat perseteruan yang berkepanjangan dapat dihentikan…..

Legislasi atau perundang-undangan Perjanjian Lama tidak hanya menyajikan kedilan yang ketat’keras ; legislasi atau perundang-undangan PL memberikan proyeksi gambaran akan realisasinya dimuka atas sebuah masyarakat yang   tertata secara benar dimana  orang-orang   berinteraksi  dan  mendukung satu sama lain tanpa prasangka buruk/kebencian. Pada dasarnya ini adalah  sebuah dunia yang  telah rusak dan penuh dosa; legislasi harus dijalankan untuk  mengekang atau membatasi kejahatan, memenuhi  klaim-klaim keadilan, dan  meredam  dendam.

...itulah natur hubungan antara hukum Mosaik—atau, lebih luas lagi, “kitab hukum [dan] para nabi” ( 5:17)—dan kesempurnaan kerajaan yang sempurna. Yang   terdahulu menunjuk kepada  yang kemudian/akan datang; hukum taurat dan kitab para nabi menunjuk pada kerajaan. Dan kerajaan itu telah terbit;   kerajaan itu telah dilantik/diresmikan dalam  hidup dan pelayanan dan kematian  dan kebangkitan dan peninggian Yesus.

Konflik Syria
Credit : http://21stcenturywire.com

Saya menduga saat  kita  berpikir  tentang kasih di tempat-tempat keras, maka kita secara alami condong pada  sukarnya tuntutan  Yesus untuk mengasihi musuh-musuh kita. Musuh dalam berbagai bentuk dan ukuran. Sebelum kita merefleksikan pada keragaman musuh-musuh, dan  oleh karena itu pada keragaman kasih yang  dimintakan untuk diperlihatkan, kita harus  memikirkan cara kita melalui apa yang berangkali  merupakan nas paling penting pada subyek ini.
Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9