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0 Comparison Grid of Roman Catholicism, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christianity

I hesitate to put this grid up only because I do not want to needlessly assail the Catholic belief system in an offensive manner. However, I cannot help but see the similarities between Catholicism and some of the cults.
Do I think Catholicism is a cult? No. But I do think it has some very serious theological problems, bordering on apostasy, imposed upon itself through its history of letting traditions seep into the fabric of biblical truth.

Issue Catholicism Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses Christianity
Specific Church
Leader on earth
Watchtower Organization none
(except, of course, Jesus)
Source of Theology Bible and Tradition Bible and additional Scripture Bible and Watchtower Organization Bible
Sample of non-biblical teachings Purgatory, Penance, Indulgences, praying to Mary,
her assumption.
Many gods, god from another world, goddess mother, you can become a god. Jesus is Michael the Archangel. No blood transfusions, no hell, 144,000 go to heaven If it isn't taught here, I don't believe it.
Method of Salvation Faith, grace, baptism, works Faith, grace, baptism, works Faith, grace, baptism, works Grace through Faith
Their church organization is one true church Their church organization is one true church Their church organization is one true church All who are saved by grace through faith are in the true church
Claim of Authority Apostolic Succession Apostolic Succession Being the faithful servant In Jesus alone
Assets Great Wealth and Power Great Wealth and Power Wealth, not much power Treasures in heaven
Goddess-like figure Mary has godlike abilities: able to hear and answer all prayers of all people all the time, intercede with God. Goddess Mother who has populated this world with spirits who inhabit human bodies Not Applicable Not Applicable
Images of God, or Jesus, or Mary, etc. Used in worship in churches Used in
temples and headquarters
Not Applicable Not Applicable

There are many good things in the Catholic Church, but I find it disturbing to see the similarities between itself and the cults--in regard to a final earthly authority, non biblical teachings, claims to be the one true church, exaltation of Mary to semi-goddesshood, the use of images, and adding works to salvation.

The Catholics, of course, will complain that this chart is not fair or does not focus on the dissimilarities. Well, they are right in that it does not focus on the dissimilarities which are many. But that isn't the point of this comparison, is it?

The Protestant Reformation happened for a reason: to get back to biblical theology and to be rid of extra-biblical teaching. The counter-cult movement has happened for a reason, to get back to biblical theology and to be rid of extra-biblical teaching.
Eternity is a long time to be wrong.

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Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9