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Showing posts with label Roman Catholicism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roman Catholicism. Show all posts


Pembahasan mengenai Roma Katolik
oleh : Pdt. Budi Asali M.Div.

The dressed skeleton of claimed saint Ambrose is in Milan.-
I) Patung:
A) Sejarah singkat:
  • Pada awal abad ke 4 banyak orang kafir masuk ke gereja karena Constantine menjadikan kristen sebagai agama seluruh kekaisaran Romawi.
  • Pada awal abad ke-7 'Paus' Gregory the Great (590-604) secara resmi menyetujui penggunaan patung-patung dalam gereja tetapi tidak untuk disembah.


Pembahasan mengenai Roma Katolik
oleh : Pdt. Budi Asali M.Div.


I) Sejarah singkat api pencucian:
Loraine Boettner, dalam bukunya 'Roman Catholicism', pp 228-229, menga-takan bahwa kepercayaan tentang adanya api pencucian ini berasalmula dari gagasan tentang penyucian setelah kematian, dan ini sudah ada di kalangan orang India dan Persia, jauh sebelum Kristus dilahirkan. Ini juga merupakan sesuatu yang umum dalam pemikiran orang Mesir, Yunani dan Roma. Ini juga diterima oleh Plato, dan lalu pengaruh Yunani menyebar-kannya ke Asia Barat, termasuk Palestina.

0 Penance

Penance is, according to the Roman Catholic Church, the sacrament of reconciliation that "reestablishes a right relationship between God and a wayward Catholic."1 It is something the person does.  Penance is "always, by its very nature, a liturgical action, and therefore an ecclesiastical and public action," (Catechism of the Catholic Church, par. 1482) and consists of a greeting from the priest, the reading of the Bible, "an exhortation to repentance," confession to a priest, the "acceptance of penance," absolution from the priest, and a "prayer of thanksgiving," (CCC, 1480). 

0 Why do Roman Catholics believe what they do?

I'm very concerned about Catholics.  I believe wholeheartedly that the RCC is teaching enough heresy to damn its members.  I don't mean to be offensive with these words, but they are what I believe.
When I quote official RC documents (on the CARM Forums) that contradict scripture, the Catholics do whatever they can to continue to believe and defend whatever the Mother Church tells them -- no matter what.  You see, they often just believe whatever the Church tells them.  For example, the CCC mentions becoming gods (CCC 795) or becoming Christ (CCC 795).

0 Anathema

One of the things that the Roman Catholic Church does in its councils and in its official writings is to pronounce anathema upon those who would disagree with some of its declarations. Since the Roman Catholic Church has pronounced anathema upon those who would deny its teachings (the Council of Trent did this), we need to look at what is meant by the term so that we might better understand this curse.

0 Roman Catholicism and the art of equivocation

Equivocation is the error in dialogue and in logical discourse where the meaning of a word changes in a discussion.  It is when a person confuses the meaning of a term by changing contexts.  An example would be "Evolution states that one species can change into another.  We see that cars have evolved into different styles.

0 Is praying to the saints biblical?

File:Milan Basilica Sant'Ambrogio Skull of Saint Ambrose .JPG -

One of the erroneous teachings of the Roman Catholic Church is the doctrine of praying to the saints. Catholicism teaches that it is okay to offer prayers not only to God but also to creatures such as Mary, Joseph, and others who have entered heaven. Is it biblical to pray to anyone other than God? We firmly hold that it is not biblical and that to pray to anyone other than God is idolatrous. Nevertheless, Roman Catholics will try and find whatever they can in Scripture to demonstrate that praying to the saints is permitted. One of the major sections of Scripture used to support this is found in Rev. 5:8-14

0 Purgatory and 1 Cor. 3:15

The doctrine of Purgatory in the Catholic church is explained in this statement from the Second Vatican Council, p. 63, which says,
"The truth has been divinely revealed that sins are followed by punishments. God's holiness and justice inflict them. Sins must be expiated. This may be done on this earth through the sorrows, miseries and trials of this life and, above all, through death. Otherwise the expiation must be made in the next life through fire and torments or purifying punishments. "

0 Does Purgatory Deny the Sufficiency of Christ's Sacrifice?

According to the Handbook for Today's Catholic, page 47,
"If you die in the love of God but possess any stains of sin, such stains are cleansed away in a purifying process called Purgatory. These stains of sin are primarily the temporal punishment due to venial or mortal sins already forgiven but for which sufficient penance was not done during your lifetime."

0 Tradition in the New Testament and 2 Thess. 3:6

In this third of three related articles on Roman Catholic Tradition, we examine 2 Thess. 3:6.  The other two other articles cover 1 Cor. 11:2 and 2 Thess. 2:15.  The first part of each article is the same because it is relevant to each article.  To jump to the analysis of 2 Thess. 3:6, scroll down.

0 Tradition in the New Testament and 2 Thess. 2:15

In this second of three related articles on Roman Catholic Tradition, we examine 2 Thess. 2:15.  The other two articles examine 1 Cor. 11:2 and 2 Thess. 3:6.  The first part of each article is the same because it is relevant to each article.  To jump to the analysis of 2 Thess. 2:15, scroll down.

0 Tradition in the New Testament and 1 Cor. 11:2

In this first of three related articles on Roman Catholic Tradition, we examine 1 Cor. 11:2.  The other two articles cover 2 Thess. 2:15 and 2 Thess. 3:6.  The first part of each article is repeated.  For an analysis of 1 Cor. 11:2, scroll down.

0 Are the Scriptures Sufficient?

According to Roman Catholicism, Sacred Tradition and the Bible together provide the foundation of spiritual truth.  From this combination the Catholic church has produced many doctrines which it says are true and biblical but which Protestants reject:  veneration of Mary, penance, indulgence, purgatory, prayer to saints, et. al. 

0 Roman Catholicism, Sola Ecclesia, Tradition, and Romans 14

Roman Catholicism claims to be the only true church, and that it is the repository of God's word and tradition.  In fact, the Roman Catholic Church claims to tells us what the Bible really means and its members are not allowed to interpret scripture in a manner contrary to what the church says.

0 Roman Catholicism, the Bible, and Tradition

One of the great differences between Protestant and Catholic doctrine is in the area of Tradition. The Protestant church maintains that the Bible alone is intended by God to be the source of doctrinal truth (2 Tim. 3:16). The Catholic Church, however, says, "Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God . . ." (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 97. Note, all citations in this article are from this Catechism).

0 Infallibility, Fallibility, and the Roman Catholic Church

The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the only true church on earth, and that it alone retains the authority to infallibly interpret the word of God.  In fact, it says that no one is allowed to interpret Scripture contrary to what the Roman Catholic Church says.

0 Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Pope Pius XI

One of the problems of Roman Catholicism is its doctrine of salvation. It denies justification by faith alone and requires works done through the Roman Catholic sacramental system in order for a person to be justified before God. Justification, of course, is the legal declaration by God where he proclaims the sinner righteous in his sight. The Bible clearly teaches that this justification is by faith and denounces any addition of works to it.

0 Is Peter supreme among the Apostles?

The Roman Catholic Church considers Peter to be supreme among Christ's apostles.  This position is known as the Primacy of Simon Peter.  It says that Peter is the Vicar of Christ upon whom the Church is built (Matt. 16:18).

0 Is the Lord's Supper a representation of the sacrifice?

The Roman Catholic position on the Lord's Supper is that when the priest offers the Mass, at the consecration in the Lord's Supper (Communion), the bread and wine offered in the ceremony are transformed into the actual body and blood of Jesus and stop being bread and wine, though they still appear to be bread and wine.
Paragraph 1376 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) states,

0 Roman Catholicism, comparing Mary to God

Roman Catholics certainly exalt Mary to a great extent, and in doing so almost elevate her to the status of God.  Of course, they will deny that she is a goddess and maintain that it is only the proper honor due to her that is offered, and that this proper honor can then account for the astounding attributes granted to her per Sacred Tradition's declaration. 
Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9