Distinguished Professor
of Old Testament
Atheists and the Old Testament
apologetics addendum on matters relating to the Old Testament can include a
great variety of items. Guided by the author of this volume and my own thoughts
as to what may be of most value, I have chosen to focus on three items that
might assist us in appreciating some of the major apologetics issues for this
era. I will begin with a consideration of some of the chief issues addressed
more popularly in recent pro-atheist books. I will then consider the so-called
minimalists and criticisms of the historical witness of the Bible. Finally, I
will look at perhaps the most important apologetic issue in the Old Testament,
that of Deuteronomy, Joshua and divinely ordained genocide.1
New Atheists and the
Old Testament
I would like to deal with a few of the specific charges made by the “new
atheists.” Space does not permit me to examine the details of every issue that
is discussed. So I will attempt to focus on some of the main charges in three
well-known books by authors also famous for taking this position: Sam Harris,
The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason; Richard Dawkins,
The God Delusion; and Christopher Hitchens, God is Not Great: How Religion
Poisons Everything.2