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Showing posts with label Cult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cult. Show all posts

0 Budaya Narsisme dan Titanic

Oleh : Dr. Harry L. Reeder

Gereja tidak lagi membentuk dunia karena gereja sedang dibentuk oleh dunia ini. Gereja hari ini tidak dapat membendung, apalagi mentransformasi….,  alih-alih  memperkatakan berita injil sejati… telah terbujuk rayu dan telah  diintimidasi  masuk kedalam modifikasi berita injil  berdasarkan pada apa yang direstui oleh budaya

rekonstruksi :  Titanic oleh Cameron- nydailynews.com
Dalam gelap gulita  15 April 1912, Titanic yang dijuluki sebagai” kapal yang bahkan Tuhan tidak dapat menenggelamkannya, telah    karam dalam perairan ber-es di Atlantik Utara, lambungnya terbelah dua.  Luar biasanya, mereka yang hilang dalam bencana ini terdiri dari orang-orang dari   berbagai kalangan dan latar belakang kehidupan  yang dapat dipikirkan, termasuk beberapa diantaranya adalah para multi milyarder. Perahu-perahu penyelamat disesaki  dengan  para wanita dan anak-anak dari setiap lapisan masyarakat. Fenomena-fenomena ini  menjadi subyek-subyek analisa  yang tak tertahankan dalam media dan bahkan dalam lingkungan akademi selama hari-hari berikutnya.


For abusive cults, the key word is CONTROL  CONTROL CONTROL by Submitting to the Leadership - leaders tend to be the absolute end, looked to as prophets of God, as specially anointed apostles. Or they can be a strong, controlling, manipulative personality who demands submission even if he changes his views or conflicts occur in doctrine or behavior. sometimes they can be looked on as God Himself. Often to obey a leader and their teaching is equal to obeying God.
wpe33.jpg (2931 bytes)It can take time for them to gain power over the new convert, but it will eventually be there. Control is usually overwhelming and can cover most aspects of the followers' lives: Dress codes, activities, finances, time,  possessions and relationships. They can dictate to the member who to see, what to do, what is the right thing to say, and how to say it. Various degrees of control can be experienced, from subtle manipulation to blatant ordering. They will expect Rigid obedience of the members time and activities - involving their followers in physically and emotionally draining activities leaving little time for privacy and reflection, or questioning their authority. Expecting one to show up when everyone else does, and everything is usually done in groups.


From the beginning of the church we are warned against divisions (Schisms a breaking away which means heresy Rom.16:17-18)

1 Jn.2:19 "they went out from us but they were not of us, if they had been of us , they would have continued with us, but they went out that they might be made known that none of them were of us." John is writing about those who denied Jesus came in the flesh (meaning they did not believe God came as a human and rose bodily). They left the fellowship of believers that were holding to the apostles doctrine. Today many other aberrations just as false have arisen, and given birth to offshoots in the Church.

Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9