Nabi Daud Tentang Siapakah Kristus

Ia Adalah Seorang Nabi Dan Ia Telah   Melihat Ke Depan Dan Telah Berbicara Tentang Kebangkitan Mesias Oleh: Blogger Martin Simamora ...

0 The book of Hebrews and the deity of Christ

Today teaching theology is absent from most Church’s and because of this many of the members become subject to the cults who have honed their arguments and convince them Jesus is not God or there is no tri unity in His nature.

0 The Sacred Name Movement (02)

Hebrew Hebrew only!

Maybe you have heard there argument, it goes like this...The Greeks were not yashuans, Jesus was Jewish so were all the prophets, therefore we must speak their names in Hebrew.… (yes the Old Testament names are all Hebrew, but not in the New Testament). Since Jesus was Jewish you are not allowed to say His name in another language. Says who? Who made up this rule of language anyway? (they did).
Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9