Nabi Daud Tentang Siapakah Kristus

Ia Adalah Seorang Nabi Dan Ia Telah   Melihat Ke Depan Dan Telah Berbicara Tentang Kebangkitan Mesias Oleh: Blogger Martin Simamora ...

0 Ev. Leonard Sidharta : “From Emptiness to Abundance:”The Trinitarian Foundation of Christian Spirituality — Part 1

I. Introduction:

Knowing God is undoubtedly the purpose of being a Christian. Aquinas and numerous other theologians said that the ultimate goal of our Christian existence lies in the moment when our faith is transformed into knowledge, that is, when we know God completely by seeing Him face to face. Indeed, this goal of Christian living, according to the New Testament, can and, for believers, has been achieved partially and initially in this life. The new life that Christians receive and experience consists of knowing the true God in Jesus Christ (John 17:3). The bible told us that since God is life itself and the source of all living things, knowing God is identical with having eternal life. The logic behind this statement is basically like this: since knowing God in the bible is much more than possessing information about God, but experiencing God most directly and intimately (i.e., being united with God), then in knowing God, the knower of God partake or share in God’s own nature (e.g., having eternal life, possessing holiness, peace, etc.). Now, since God is the most wonderful Being, then it is utterly reasonable to say that knowing God is the ultimate happiness and goal of believers’ lives; it’s even the very meaning or content of their eternal lives.

0 Tomorrow's World : Life After Death?

Many scientists believe that life begins at death. On the other hand many religious people believe that when the body dies the soul goes to heaven or hell. Still others look to the resurrection as their only hope. Think of all the billions of humans who have ever lived. Was there a purpose for them? Will they have a future hope? What is the truth? Is death the end? Is there life after death?
Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9