Nabi Daud Tentang Siapakah Kristus

Ia Adalah Seorang Nabi Dan Ia Telah   Melihat Ke Depan Dan Telah Berbicara Tentang Kebangkitan Mesias Oleh: Blogger Martin Simamora ...

0 Indonesian Intolerance Rising

Islamists target puppet shows, churches and diversity
Last Saturday night, a band of fundamentalist Islamic thugs showed up in the Indonesian town of Sukoharjo in Central Java and broke up a performance of wayang, the iconic Javanese shadow puppetry that is a symbol of Indonesian culture.

Throwing rocks and waving machetes, the youths, calling themselves Laskar Jihad – holy warriors – forced the audience out of the performance. Two people were beaten, witnesses said.  It was the latest of an escalating series of disturbing incidents across Indonesia that threaten the country’s traditional reputation for tolerance, not only for the arts but for non-Islamic religions.

0 Ian Thomas : SALVATION

There's only One Person that has ever been capable of living the Christhian life since Adam Fell...Jesus Christ
So that now He, Risen from the dead, Might come and perpetuate the life that he lived then, in us now
So the Christhian life, of course,
is the life that Jesus Christ
Live then,
Live now,
By Him,
In Us
Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9