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0 Lecture Outline (2) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (2)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.

Previous : Lecture Outline (1) “Introduction

I.The Concept of the Word of God: The Word is God's powerful, meaningful, self-expression.

A. Powerful: Ps. 33:3-6, 46:6, 148:5-8, 29:3-9; Rom. 1: 16; cr. VIII below.
1.The power of the word is the omnipotence of God himself, Isa. 55: 11, Gen. 18: 14 (Luke 1:37). It is therefore never void, never weak.
2.To study the word (in seminary or anywhere else) is to encounter something explosive, something that inevitably changes you--either for the better or the worse. (Isa. 6:9-10, NT parallels).

0 Lecture Outline (1) : DOCTRINE OF THE WORD OF GOD

By: Dr. John Frame

Lecture Outline (1)

These are Dr. Frame's systematic theology lecture outlines for the doctrine of the Word of God. Though only in outline format, they are highly detailed and hopefully useful to all.
I.The Comprehensiveness of God’s covenant Lordship.
A. Centrality of Lordship in Scripture: "Lord," (Yahweh. Adonai, Kurios) is the basic    covenant name of God, Ex. 3:13-15,6:1-8; cf. John 8:59, Rom. 14:9.

  1. Use in confessions of faith: Deut. 6:4ff; cf. Rom. 10:9, I Cor. 12:3, Phil. 2:11. 
  2. God performs his might acts "that they might know that I am the Lord," Ex. 14: 18, I Kings 8:43, Ps. 9: 10, etc. 
  3. "I am Lord, I am he," Isa. 41:4,43:10-13, etc.

B.Lordship is a covenantal concept.

  1. "Covenant": relation between the Lord and a people whom he has sovereignly consecrated to himself. He rules over them by the sanctions of his law and fulfills in and through them the purposes of his grace. 
  2. Lordship is a relation. Where you have a Lord, you have servants, i.e. a people over whom the Lord rules. "Lord" names God as head of the covenant relationship. The centrality of lordship implies the centrality of covenant, and vice versa.
Anchor of Life Fellowship , Sebab karena kasih karunia kamu diselamatkan oleh iman; itu bukan hasil usahamu, tetapi pemberian Allah, itu bukan hasil pekerjaanmu: jangan ada orang yang memegahkan diri - Efesus 2:8-9